Tweak your Small Business for Greater Success!

Tweak your small business and make a difference to your company’s bottom line with these four small changes!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2017-07-06 08:06:00

Small business owners don’t usually have the time or money to make major changes to their business. However, there are ways to make a big difference to your company’s bottom line, and these four small changes can easily boost your success:

1. Streamline operations

Successful business management takes up a lot of time, particularly as your business begins to grow. Streamline your business while saving time and money with the following three techniques:


Use outsourced services such as HR, payroll and other expertise to free up your time and save you on unnecessary expenses. This will help you to avoid mistakes, waste time and focus on the areas of your business that matter.

-Cut back on email

Dedicate a specific amount of time each day to handling emails. If you respond to an email every time one comes through, your ability to complete a task will be hindered and it will take you time to get back into it once each email is dealt with. Also, use internal messaging systems, such as Slack or Skype, to handle communications with your team.

-Cut down on meetings

Meetings can be a massive waste of time and energy so should only be scheduled if they are absolutely necessary or directly contribute to your monthly/quarterly goals.

2. Focus on building company morale

Another way to tweak your small business for greater success is to ensure you have a happy working environment where employees are motivated to come to work each day. Offer decent employee benefits, a good medical package, company lunches or dinners and areas of your office where employees can spend some time chilling out. Having a positive working environment makes employees feel valued and makes for a more productive working environment.

3. Use Financial Tools

Proper financial management is vital if you want to optimise your business for success. Critical tasks such as revenue, taxes and payroll need to be done and there are some great financial tools out there, such as QuickBooks, Mint My Business, Turbo Tax and Trigger that help you to accomplish financial tasks, keep tabs on your spending habits, prepare taxes and much more.

4. Rebrand

If your marketing image is getting a little rusty, now may be the best time to revamp and rebrand your image. Consider a brand new logo, web design and choice of colour that are modernised and more likely to resonate with your target audience.

There are plenty of ways to tweak your business for even greater success and you should definitely make a start with these four tips.

Seeking branding and marketing assistance?

If you’re seeking further assistance for your small business, we’re here to help. 8 Ways Media is a leading international digital agency with more than 20 years of experience in the industry and a team of 80 creative, passionate employees. Our digital agency is the ideal solution for any business seeking comprehensive strategies and incredible results, so contact us today to discover how we can create a unique marketing package specifically for your business.

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