Top Reasons why Email Marketing Beats Social Media Marketing

Email marketing is far more powerful in generating leads when compared with social media marketing. Read on to find out why…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-09-15 08:26:00

When used correctly, social media marketing has many powers. It enables you to build relationships, increase your following and attract more visitors to your website. It also allows you to share interesting content with your followers and spread the word about your business.

Most businesses cannot afford to be without a social media presence, however with the above benefits being said, social media marketing still does not enable a business to generate many new leads.

In a study carried out in 2014 by McKinsey & Company, they discovered that email marketing is far more powerful in establishing leads, with a 40 times higher likelihood when compared with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

So what makes email better suited to generating leads? Read on to find out…

1.       Appeal to a committed audience 

People who have subscribed to your email marketing alerts already know who you are as a business and have made a point of purposefully subscribing to receive emails from you. When someone follows you on social media, it carries less significance, as following someone on one of their social media pages is less of a commitment than following someone on email. Alternatively, when you follow a company via email their emails land straight in your personal inbox, which is far more intimate and significant.

2.        You have more space to be creative

Social media is all about getting your message across as succinctly as possible, but in email marketing you are free to express yourself in more than 140 characters! Yes, it’s important to keep your email marketing campaigns creative, strategic and clever, however, they do give you more space to express yourself.

3.       Social media is too competitive

There are countless businesses competing for the limelight on social media, which can make it incredibly difficult to generate new leads. In a given day, Facebook users post 55 million status updates while on Instagram, there are more than 70 million pictures posted daily. The sheer volume of noise and traffic on social media makes it incredibly difficult for businesses to be seen amongst the competition. 

4.       Click through rates are higher on email

Click through rates are generally higher than they are on social media, meaning that by crafting an intelligent email marketing campaign, you are much more likely to get a click-through.

With the above being said, it is still essential to craft clever campaigns that appeal directly to your target market and are not too promotion-heavy. Strike a balance with your email campaigns by creating a combination of campaigns such as newsletters, thank you emails and incentive emails.

About 8 Ways

8 Ways Media is a leading media design agency offering web design and branding services in addition to SEO, online marketing and more. To learn more about our services, get in touch today! 


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