When is the best time to send an email marketing campaign?

Email marketing trends are creating changes to open rates, so let’s take a look at how these open rates could impact your next email campaign…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-11-22 10:48:00

Email marketing remains an effective form of marketing, but only when done properly. Read this guide to learn all about the best times to send your next email marketing campaign:

Traditionally, the best times to send an email marketing campaign were considered from Tuesday to Thursday, in the morning, since people tended to open their emails in the mornings. However, times are definitely changing and email marketing trends are creating changes in open rates, so let’s take a look at how these open rates could impact your next email campaign:

Late at night?

A recent email marketing study carried out by Experian found that email recipients are surprisingly active late at night, with the highest click-through rates when compared with all other times of day. Between 8pm and 11:59pm, revenues per email were also at their highest.

Another factor to note here is that more than 50% of emails are now being opened from a mobile device, which explains this shift in open rates. Between 9pm and midnight, mobile activity peaks as people spend their evenings browsing the internet from the comfort of their mobile or tablet.

Monday or Friday?

Another study found that while emails sent on Mondays were found to have the highest returns on investment, emails sent on Fridays had the highest click through rates. 

What about the Weekend?

Very few brands send out promotional emails on the weekend. This has created opportunities for businesses to take advantage of this space and send out some promotional content during the weekend.

Experian’s study found that recipients responded more to promotional campaigns on the weekend, with a 17.8% open rate on Saturdays and Sundays respectively - the highest percentages of the entire week.

Quality not Quantity

Another important factor to consider is the quality of your emails. If your customers cannot read your emails properly or are not convinced by the quality of your content, they will likely dismiss them, which will affect future campaigns. Focus on creating an outstanding email campaign that provides value to readers. Remember, titles are everything so be sure to adopt the best practices when creating your subject line.

Summing Up

It’s essential to test sending out your email campaigns at different times and on different days to what works best for your brand. Remember, every brand has its own unique products or services – along with its own unique target audience. Run some tests and experiment with different days and times to determine what works best for you. Also, review your list to see if any email addresses need removing and figure out ways to grow your list organically.

About Us 

8 Ways Media is a leading Swiss-based digital and marketing agency with a special focus on digital marketing services that are unique, creative and effective. 

Get in touch today to speak to a member of our team about some of our many available services that are guaranteed to get your business noticed and propel your brand straight into the limelight. 


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