Surviving the Content Marketing Arena

Content marketing is all the rage, but is without doubt becoming increasingly saturated. Read on for 3 valuable tips on how to survive this competitive arena.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-01-07 10:05:00

Content marketing is all the rage. For the past few years, businesses and individuals have used content marketing as a way to reach out to current and potential clients and appeal to them, building up credibility and trust while strengthening relationships.

That being said, it can certainly be argued that the content marketing arena is becoming increasingly oversaturated and competitive. As such, it has never been more crucial to produce meaningful, valuable content that is powerfully presented and of the highest quality.

In a world that has become immensely digital, it remains critical to reach out to your current and potential clientele through content marketing. This enables you to generate solid relationships with people from afar and boost your reputation as a business.

Listed below are our 3 top tips on how to maintain your status and appeal as a business through content marketing:

1.       Partner with major brands

If you are a small business with a relatively small following, then you should consider partnering with a bigger brand. There are countless opportunities out there to form partnerships with popular brands, as these brands understand that smaller businesses are flexible, agile and fast-moving.

The same holds true for celebrity endorsements. With the right fit, your business will have the opportunity to become propelled into the limelight, increase followers and boost sales. Since social media has enabled so many people to be considered as ‘celebrities’, there’s no need to attach your brand to the highest tier celebrity.

2.       Up your Game

As previously mentioned, there is a lot more competition out there today in the content marketing stratosphere than was the case five years ago. As such, it’s critical that you up your game, not just with dazzling, high-quality content, but also through the inclusion of compelling images, interactive graphics, videos, quizzes and more.

Being willing to go the extra mile will work wonders in boosting retention levels and raising awareness of your brand. By combining a unique content marketing strategy with a unique brand strategy, you will be better able to stand out from an increasingly saturated crowd.

3.       Focus on your Unique Selling Point

We talk about Unique Selling Point (USP) a lot here on the 8 Ways Media blog and that’s because it is so critical that you focus on finding a specific niche in your market in order to be perceived as an expert in your field. Of course, factors such as branding and web design play an essential role in boosting the popularity of your business, but having a unique selling point – and focusing on it within your content, will drive your brand to unique heights.

Content marketing is here to stay but the measures that you are willing to take to succeed will truly determine whether or not you are going to succeed as a business. By never settling for second best, persevering and working exceptionally hard in all of your content marketing efforts, you will be much more likely to be rewarded with a greater client following of engaged, committed customers who value you as a business.

About 8 Ways Media

8 Ways Media is a leading branding and web design agency based in Switzerland. Offering 8 key services, including content marketing and social media marketing, the agency offers state-of-the-art, innovative marketing techniques that are guaranteed to drive growth to your website.

Get in touch today to find out how 8 Ways Media can help you to use social media for your business. Alternatively, complete our quotation form and a member of our team will get back to you with a no obligation quote. 


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