Surprising Facts about High Quality Content Creation

High quality content creation plays a paramount role in online marketing, however there are endless challenges faced for businesses producing such content.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2014-04-18 14:31:00

Online marketing can be something of a quagmire particularly for start-up businesses or for those who have focused their marketing strategies primarily on offline techniques. The marketing stratosphere has changed considerably over the years and with the rise in internet usage it is never more necessary than ever to incorporate high quality content creation into your online marketing strategy.

One of the greatest ways to challenge online marketing is to upload plenty of high quality content onto your website on a daily basis. Your website is your business’ voice and it is essential to keep that site alive with content that is interesting, relevant and compelling.

Nevertheless, although you may be creating high quality content on a daily basis, there are still a number of issues that businesses are facing in this regard.

HQ Content Creation a Tough Challenge

With all the heavy traffic surrounding the internet it is no surprise that businesses are facing a struggle when it comes to getting their content read and shared. There is an endless stream of articles posted every single day on the internet and in many instances viewers to a web page rarely spend more than 15 seconds or less on that page.

For those readers that do stick around, their presence on your page usually doesn’t last for any longer than 30 seconds, suggesting that people’s ability to remain present on a single website page for a decent amount of mind is dwindling considerably.

How can we Overcome these issues?

But there are a number of ways to overcome these issues. Follow these tips to learn more…

1. Create Meaningful Content

One major way to avoid losing readers is to create meaningful content that is specifically directed at your readership. Right from the start of your article you need to compel your readers to read on. Be genuine, honest and respectful – don’t misguide your readers just to get them to buy into your products or services.

2. Think Carefully about Formatting

Bear in mind the specific audience you are targeting your content towards. Are they fast-paced, busy people with little time on their hands, or more learned, intellectual readers with more patience for detailed articles? Should there be plenty of images or just one or two to keep them engaged?

So there you have it – high quality content creation is an important part of the online marketing process. But so too are other factors, such as search engine optimisation, link building and social media management.

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