How to Set your Business Apart from the Rest: Experiential Marketing

This article sheds light on the power of experiential marketing in igniting emotion between the individual & the brand & inspiring them to choose that brand.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-03-05 10:36:00

Experiential marketing is designed to create a closer bond between the consumer and the brand and can have a very powerful impact on the consumer. Here at 8 Ways Media we understand the importance of remaining contemporary and current when it comes to successful marketing, which is why we offer experiential marketing as part of our range of services.

How does it Work?

Experiential marketing works by truly engaging the individual and capturing their undivided attention. It is a micro-marketing approach since it targets individuals on a more personal level instead of being a mass media campaign.

For example, a small pizza business might run a simple experiential marketing campaign where it offers samples of its latest pizza flavour to passers-by. Passers-by must guess the flavour and the winners get a money-off voucher or free meal. This experience triggers the individual’s sense of smell and taste and also ignites an emotional association between the individual and the brand, which will hopefully inspire them to choose that particular establishment in future when it comes to ordering pizza.

There are countless examples of experiential marketing in action, including high-profile invite only events and special taste experiences at local farmer’s markets, as well as some well-known campaigns from Samsung and Red Bull.

Samsung ran a promotion across London where it gave people the opportunity to have their photos taken on a Samsung Galaxy S3 and have that photo instantly turned into a personalised badge.  Red Bull famously sent skydiver Felix Baumgartner into space to perform the highest recorded parachute jump in history, which gave Red Bull amazing brand exposure after attracting more than 8 million people to view the video live on YouTube.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to experiential marketing and there are endless options and opportunities to deeply engage with your current client base and expand that client base further. 

Why Experiential Marketing?

Many of us are getting most of our information from the internet than ever before and are accessing the internet from countless devices including laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPhones and iPods. As such, businesses are looking for exciting and alternative ways to reach out to their target market and create innovative marketing strategies that compel audiences.

Over the years, many companies have adopted experiential marketing as a way to strongly appeal to their customer base and improve customer engagement with the brand. If successfully executed, a brand can stir positive emotions within people, which creates a deeper emotional engagement between the individual and the brand. These people will then associate those emotions with the brand and consequently buy into that brand over and over again. 

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