How to Gain Content Marketing Inspiration from the Competition

Looking for ways to gain content marketing inspiration from the competition? Read on for our top tips!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-02-11 08:09:00

Coming up with new content marketing ideas daily can be a challenge. Your business blog needs to be brimming with high-quality, well-researched content in order to keep readers returning back to your site on a regular basis, and for search engines to have fresh content to crawl through and index.

For this reason, we’ve put together this guide to help you find content marketing inspiration from the competition.

Now, we’re not saying that you should go out and copy the competition whenever they publish a new post: that’s plagiarism. On top of that, you’re duplicating content which is negative SEO behaviour. What you can do, however, is get inspiration from the competition and create content that is 10 times better.

So, read on for our top tips on how to gain content marketing inspiration from the competition:

Google Search

First of all, you should perform a Google search for your competitors.

Let’s say you run a bakery in New York City. Put a search into Google for ‘bakeries in New York City.’ You will see thousands of bakeries show up in your search engine results pages, so browse through the lists to find websites that appeal to you the most. Also, ensure that the websites you select have a blog or news section as well as social media connectivity options. Gather around 3 – 5 websites in total.

Blog/News Section

Next, you should browse through each of those websites and review their blog/news section to get a feel for the kind of content these businesses are producing and the type of keywords/keyword phrases they are incorporating into their content to attract more visitors. Is the content in-depth and well-researched? Is it industry relevant? Is it colourful with plenty of images to break it up? How often do they post content?

Social Media Pages

Next, check out their social media pages to see what their type of content they are posting across social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Remember, each platform out there has its own unique way of operating, so, once you’ve gained some content marketing inspiration, be sure to gain a solid understanding of each platform before posting, and never post the exact same content to each platform.

Email Marketing Campaigns  

Now you’ve got an idea of the type of articles and social content they are producing, it’s time to sign up for their email marketing campaigns for even more content marketing inspiration. The benefits of email marketing should never be overlooked, so reach out to your competitors to determine how often they email campaigns out and what type of campaigns they create.

8 Ways Media is a leading branding and web design agency based in Switzerland. This media design agency adopts a highly modern, creative approach to marketing, merging the unique needs of the client with their in-depth knowledge of the industry.

Get in touch today to discover how we can help you with your content marketing strategy. 

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