Content Marketing Failures you Need to Avoid

In this article we present you with 4 epic content marketing failures that you absolutely need to avoid!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-10-04 08:57:00

It’s absolutely in your best interests to have a content marketing strategy in place.

When executed correctly, content marketing has the power to build your brand, increase your industry authority, drive more traffic to your website and create new leads, which can ultimately turn into paying customers. 

However, all too often, businesses make mistakes when it comes to content marketing.

With that in mind, listed below are some epic content marketing failures that you absolutely need to avoid:

1. No Strategy

When approaching anything, from building a house to applying for a new job, you absolutely never do so without a plan or a strategy in place. If you rush into something without a plan in place, it can very quickly go very, very wrong indeed.

The same absolutely holds true for content marketing. Without a plan in place, you’re simply writing away for the sake of it, and therefore setting yourself up for failure well before you’ve even begun.

So be sure to have a plan in place as well as a content marketing calendar in place so that you can be organised, time-saving and consistent.

2. Wrong strategy

No strategy is just as bad as the wrong strategy. There’s no point in promoting your bespoke jewellery on the high street if all of your customers are shopping online. One major reason why content marketing flops is because the strategy is executed incorrectly, appealing to the wrong audience, using the wrong channels, creating the wrong content and distributing it incorrectly.

Everything about your content marketing strategy needs to be well-researched with a focus on the right content, the right audience, the right channels and appropriate distribution. The best way to do this is to draft up your target audience persona then determine the kind of information your ideal client wants or needs to know. From here, it’s time to decide what type of content to create for every stage of the buying process.

3. Poor allocation of resources

Once you’ve come up with a strategy it’s vital that all of your resources are appropriately allocated. You need to set aside plenty of time for creating and reviewing content, evaluating its success and brainstorming new ideas and designs. Everything about your approach to content marketing needs to be consistent, from the moment of conception right through to publishing and beyond… 

4. Lack of promotion

So, the content is written and published, but the truth is, nobody’s reading it! That’s because you are missing out one vital content marketing step; namely, that you are not promoting your content appropriately. Content promotion is the final step in the content creation process and there are plenty of options when it comes to promoting your content (as you will see here). Without a promotion step in your content marketing strategy, your content stands little to no chance of being seen amongst a very noisy crowd.  

About 8 Ways Media

8 Ways Media is a Swiss-based digital and marketing agency providing a wealth of services to a broad international client base. Offering the most creative, contemporary digital marketing solutions on the market, this is a company that delivers consistently exceptional results to businesses of every type and size.

Whether you’re seeking bespoke website design and development services, innovative brand strategy solutions or technical services, 8 Ways Media are the ultimate solution. Get in touch today to learn more about the range of services available at 8 Ways Media. 



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