Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Are you committing these common social media marketing mistakes? Read on to find out…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-12-02 12:00:00

Countless businesses worldwide are using social media as a way to appeal to a wider target market, generate more leads and boost sales. But there are all too many businesses using social media marketing in the wrong way, committing many of the common mistakes mentioned below.

Focus on tactics instead of organic processes

All too often, online marketers focus on tricks or hacks, but this isn’t how to develop a successful, long-term social media marketing strategy. Instead, focus on creating a solid, consistent and honest platform that people will enjoy visiting.

Too much emphasis on sales

Another major mistake that many businesses make is focusing too heavily on sales within their social media game plan. Yes, social platforms are a great place to promote your products or services and sell your goods, but too much emphasis on this removes the ‘social’ from ‘social media’, thus limiting your ability to develop trusting, honest relationships with your followers.

Losing patience and giving up

Obviously, you will want to see results sooner rather than later, but successful social media marketing is a gradual, naturally evolving process that requires patience. Avoid the desire to appeal to thousands of followers overnight; instead, focus on engaging the followers you do have, which will naturally lead to more followers in time.

A focus on quantity instead of quality

Since social media is all about engaging with followers and building a rapport, it’s essential that you focus on quality, not quantity. Don’t overwhelm your followers with post after post. Post between one and three times daily to retain interest.

Also, avoid adding too many platforms to your current repertoire if it’s too much to handle. Just one or two well-crafted platforms is all you need to increase your appeal.

Disorganised Approach

Lastly, it’s easy for your social strategy to become chaotic if you aren’t organised, so be sure to create a system that keeps you organised, focused and in control. This will ensure that you know exactly what you are doing on a given day, which will reflect positively on your profiles and help you to generate more leads.

To make the most out of social media profiles it’s essential that you avoid all of the above practices. This will help you to increase followers, generate more leads and boost sales.

About us

Here at 8 Ways Media we offer a wealth of advanced digital and marketing services to a broad international client base of more than 280 companies from across the globe. Offering the most creative, contemporary digital marketing solutions on the market, we are a company that delivers consistently exceptional results to businesses of every type and size. Whether you’re seeking bespoke website design and development services, innovative brand strategy solutions or technical services, we are the ultimate solution. 

Interested to find out more? Check out the Our Clients section to see some samples of our work or contact a member of our team to discuss your needs.



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