6 Daily Social Media Management Tasks you Need to Do

Have you fully understood how to manage your social media profiles? If not, follow these 6 daily social media management tasks to improve your techniques.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2014-07-03 08:19:00

Social media management is a big part of the day-to-day running of your business. Though two or three years ago it wasn’t even a concept worth discussing, today it plays a huge role in the daily operations of any business.

Most companies wouldn’t think twice about having a Facebook, Twitter and Google+ account. These are fundamental social networks that make a big difference to the success of your business. And though it may feel as if you have a million and one other tasks to do aside from managing social media activity, maintaining such accounts is an indispensable part of the business process.

Listed below are 6 daily social media management tasks that you need to do in order to keep on top of this all-consuming role…

1.     Sign Up

First things first is actually signing up to the range of social media accounts available. If you are going at it alone it is recommended to sign up to just a handful of accounts and work devotedly on these. If you have hired a social media manager then you will have the capacity to open more accounts with more social networks.

2.     Create regular, high quality content

Keeping your social media profiles alive with fresh, high quality content is an essential part of the social media management role. Be sure to post fresh content on each of your social media profiles regularly.

3.     Check feedback daily

As you gradually begin to build up a following it is important that you check feedback on a regular basis and respond to that feedback within 24 hours. People are making the effort to respond to your posts or to reach out to you, and as a committed business you need to ensure that you responsive in order to retain clients and boost client loyalty.

4.     Keep a close eye on the competition

Though you should never, ever copy the competition, you should always keep a close eye on the competition in order to know what you are up against and to stay one step ahead of the game. Find out what your competitors are up to by browsing through online forums and discussion boards. Get involved in the conversation as this is a great way to connect with potential new followers.

5.     Brainstorm future posts

What’s generating the most feedback? What’s working best? What fresh content can you create that will continue to interest and enlighten people? Posting daily content means coming up with fresh ideas on a frequent basis. Perform regular brainstorms so that your ideas don’t run dry.

6.     Check out your stats

Check your stats using management tools to keep track of how your social media accounts are doing. Are you gaining new followers? Is your content receiving likes, comments and shares? What are your most popular posts?

Summing Up

Don’t ignore the power that social media brings to the marketing table. Ensure that you put in plenty of effort on social media sites to boost your following and attract a larger client base. 

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