5 Steps to Creating an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Are your email newsletters getting poor results? Here are 5 tips to improve the design and performance of your email marketing campaigns for better results.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2014-08-04 07:20:00

Once a reader subscribes to an email newsletter, he or she gradually comes to create an emotional attachment to those newsletters, anticipating them and enjoying them once they reach their inbox. Through email marketing, readers create a strong bond with the company which contributes positively towards brand awareness and customer loyalty.

But how can you maintain positive brand awareness and customer loyalty through email marketing? Read on to find out more…

Have a Compelling Opening Line

First impressions are always important so keep your subject line interesting, thought-provoking and compelling. Your ultimate goal is the get the reader to open the newsletter, read it, forward it on to others and act upon your call-to-action.

Be Informative

Your email marketing campaign must also be informative and packed with valuable information, otherwise you risk losing subscribers. Valuable content offers enlightening information about a specific subject. You could include photos, competition winners, upcoming events, testimonials, industry news, blog posts and much more within the content of your campaign. 

Be Consistent

Your newsletter should be released on a regular basis with a specific frequency, whether once a week, twice a week or once a month. Stick to that frequency and make sure your readers know when to expect to hear from you. Give them easy ways to follow you and subscribe to your newsletters and don’t spring a surprising and unanticipated email newsletter on them.

Drop the Sales Tactic

Selling shouldn’t be the primary focus of your email marketing campaign. Your focus should be on maintaining the interest of your readers and making them feel valued. If you want to promote something within your newsletter you need to do this subtly, organically and in an informal, conversational tone (e.g. ‘Did you know we’re offering 30% off to all subscribers this weekend?’).

Be Responsive

Finally, there are so many newsletters out there that have a ‘do not reply’ email address, but there’s nothing worse than not allowing customers to reply to your email newsletters. By allowing people to reply you will gain valuable feedback from clients that could help you to improve your newsletters. This is also a great way to increase client loyalty and develop deeper relationships with your clients.  

Article Sponsored by WebSeoWire.com 

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