5 Simple SEO Tricks to Increase Organic Traffic to your Site

Are you seeking some simple ways to increase organic traffic to your website? Read on to find out more…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-04-28 07:32:00

2014 was a relatively turbulent year when it came to SEO changes and Google already made an announcement earlier this year regarding changes to its algorithm. Keeping up with these changes can be tough and although the competition to attract people to your website has never been greater, there are a few simple tricks that you can adopt to organically increase traffic to your site.

Read on for 5 simple techniques designed to get you started with SEO:

1.       Improve your content

Content is king, and will be for a very long time, so concentrate on creating high-quality, meaningful, well-researched content that people are going to love. Don’t place too much emphasis on keywords: put your readers first, then think about Google. If people like your content, so will Google, not the other way around.

2.       Get your Page Titles Right

Page titles inform readers and search engines what the topic of a certain page is all about. Page titles feature in search engine results therefore it’s essential that your page titles are interesting, enticing, keyword-friendly and descriptive.

3.       Incorporate Meta Descriptions

The meta description is what shows up in search engine results. This piece of text describes your website or webpage and if you do not write one, Google will automatically choose a section from your website.

The meta description is an important piece of text since it essentially persuades (or dissuades) readers from clicking on the link. Make it meaningful, engaging, to the point and a little persuasive to entice readers in.

4.       Build more Links

Google’s latest algorithm update asserted that pages featuring links to outside sources carry more value than those that don’t. When you create content, reference well-known websites or industry leaders and link to them. In addition, you should gain as many external links leading back to your own website as possible. Approach other blogs or websites and ask to write a guest blog post with a link to your website. Choose industry relevant, popular websites to link from.

5.       Tidy up your URLs

Finally, it’s time to clean up your URLs. Also known as Uniform Resource Locators, a URL is the online address that’s used to gain access to a page on the internet. To increase organic traffic to your website, simply tidy up your URLs by removing any unnecessary coding, letters or numbers.

Use keywords to describe your site page and keep them as concise as possible. For instance, the URL https://www.8ways.ch/en/news/beginners-guide-social-media-marketing/ is transparent as it carries all the necessary information a visitor needs to understand what they page is about. This URL, by contrast www.8ways.ch/129888/gkg8kkw7 tells us nothing about the contents of the page and is gives us absolutely no reason to consider visiting this page.  

A clean, concise URL gives readers important information about the contents of the page, giving readers more reason to consider visiting this page.  

To learn more about marketing and SEO, please visit our blog.


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