3 Twitter Mistakes that Could Cost you Followers

Have you noticed a drop in your Twitter followers? Read on to find out why this might be the case…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-03-14 08:14:00

Everybody knows that Twitter is a powerful social platform – especially for businesses. The instant nature of this platform enables people to stay up-to-date with the latest goings on without being bombarded with lengthy posts. The 140 characters or less policy means that people can catch up on what’s trending in the world of social media, even when they’re pressed for time.

Furthermore, it’s a fantastic way to build communities, network with others and build relationships, all whilst promoting your own brand and corresponding content.

Once you get to grips with the features, functions and etiquette of Twitter, there’s no turning back. This platform will soon become your go-to option for promoting your content, interacting with others and attracting clients to your brand – provided you have an outstanding Twitter strategy that works well for you.

There are countless common mistakes that businesses and individuals make when trying to build their Twitter following and achieve success on this platform. Read on for our top 3 Twitter mistakes that could cost you followers… 

Buying followers

It’s easy to fall for the attractive offers such as “buy 10,000 new followers for just $5” but deep down we all know that organically generating your following is far more effective in building an engaged, enthralled community of leads who are genuinely interested in your brand. By buying followers, you are simply adding a fake number to your profile and most of your real followers will soon catch on, which will quickly put them off your brand anyway.

Instead, work on organically and honestly building your following by creating meaningful, interesting tweets that positively reflect your brand. Also, engage with your followers by liking their tweets, retweeting them and commenting on their posts.

Automating direct messages

Twitter is very easy to use and you can even schedule upcoming Tweets for months on end. However, many businesses have taken advantage of automation by automating direct messages. Whenever someone new starts following them, a direct message is sent thanking them for the follow and directing them either to their website or other social pages.

This is a very objective, insensitive way to deal with new followers. Instead, you should go to the effort of writing out a personalised, direct message, thanking that individual for the follow. That way, they will be far more likely to remember your brand as one that cares about each and every individual, which means they will be far more likely to engage with it time and time again.

Remaining an egg

If you’re a small business or entrepreneur with a presence on Twitter, avoid making the classic mistake of using the default ‘egg’ symbol in place of a real profile photo or your brand’s logo. Since Twitter is a social network you need to add personality to your profile by including a relevant profile picture, a company description and an appealing background image. If people see the default egg, they are going to get the impression that you’re only half interested in Twitter and haven’t truly embraced modern technology like everyone else

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