At 8 Ways Media, we have great interest in social network games and the influence they have on audiences. Our Social Network Game design team will create the perfect game for you. From its creation and completion right through to its launch, our team will make your task easy, fun and of course, successful.

The first question to ask yourself is, why create a contest?
There may be several
reasons: to have more “Likes”, to grow your email list, to satisfy your fan
base or to increase engagement rates. It is also possible to make a contest
with all these objectives at the same time! With us, we offer the simplest way
to develop social network games that can be used as a social marketing tool to
engage with your audience in a unique way.

The next question to ask is, how do you prepare a contest?
Firstly, we will
determine together the type of contest you want to build:
Contest/Game: You can easily engage your fans through an interactive
game, quiz, or by asking them to send photos, videos or texts with a vote to
elect the best. However, you need a sufficiently large subscriber base in order
to obtain positive results. Our team of experts will awaken your social media
pages to bring you a significant number of "Likes".
Lottery: This surely is the easiest and fastest competition to
implement. You simply ask visitors to click "Like" and then indicate
their details, allowing you to expand your community and have new prospects

Will I generate positive results from
the creation of a game or contest?
Contests, games and lotteries are an excellent way to improve
your customer base, and are ideal tools to market your business. In either case,
our web and marketing agency will create a contest, game or lottery that’s consistent
with your identity, your brand and your needs.