3 Simple Content Marketing Tips Backed by Science: Part I

If you’re looking for some simple yet effective content marketing strategies, look no further – this guide features 3 simple tips backed by science.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-11-04 07:44:00

As any contemporary business will know, content writing plays a major role in any marketing effort. You need content for your email marketing campaigns, your social media pages, your business blog, your website… the list goes on.

There will always be times when you come to a crossroads with your content marketing and aren’t sure how to continue. This guide is designed to give you some simple content marketing tips that have been proven to work, time and time again.

Read on to discover what those tips are…

Create a Curiosity Gap

The title of your article or blog post should be the last thing that you write after completing the post. This is because you never know what sort of direction your content is going to take as it evolves into a completed piece.

Your title needs to be compelling enough to persuade readers to click through and read on. It should be intriguing, mysterious and interesting, all while being completely accurate to the content of your article (use clickbait headlines at your peril). There are plenty of ways to appeal to your readers simply by writing a compelling title. Titles beginning with ‘How To’ and ‘Top 5 Tips…’ have been proven to generate high click through rates (see here for top blog titles that improve lead generation).

Use Numbers

In today’s society, we are overwhelmed with information, which has led to poor concentration levels and the desire to scan through easily digestible articles, rather than reading bulk text. As such, articles featuring numbered lists have been proven to boost retention levels and increase likes, comments and shares. Specifically, digits have also demonstrated higher levels of shareability, instead of writing out the entire number (i.e. ‘Top 5 Tips’ instead of ‘Top Five Tips’). Finally, long lists have proven particularly popular, generating the greatest number of shares.

Know your Exact Audience

You can’t expect to craft meaningful content if you don’t know who your exact audience is. Use language geared towards your precise target market, being careful with your choice of words, avoiding slang or jargon where necessary and carefully selecting the length of your sentences.

By crafting your content around your audience, your audience will respond better to your messages. The best way to determine whether you are appropriately crafting your content around your audience is to test everything

Stay tuned for part II of our content marketing guide, coming soon! 

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