7 Steps to Build a Strong Email Marketing List

Follow this guide to find out how you can build a large, high-quality email marketing list in the most organic, robust way possible.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2014-08-25 07:56:00

Email marketing is a challenging yet profitable marketing strategy that requires you to build a high-quality mailing list in order to generate results. By sending your emails to the right people you will be more likely to produce a positive return on investment.

Create a Thorough Plan

The first step towards a large, high-quality email marketing list is to create a thorough plan. Your plan should identify your target market and its interests in as much detail as possible. This will ensure that you cater to your list members’ needs when planning and creating emails, which improves engagement and limits turnover in current members.

Manage Subscriber Expectations

Tell your subscribers exactly what you will email them (i.e. newsletters, promotions and other content). Inform your subscribers how often you’ll email them and when. Tell them what they will gain from being a part of your mailing list as this will boost the chances of getting more people to sign up.

Keep it Simple

Make it easy for potential subscribers to find you and sign up for your emails. Keep your sign up form highly visible and ensure it is included across a number of platforms including your blog, social media networks and website.

Focus on Value

Ensure that all content created is value-added, so that your clients will benefit from reading it. Include useful advice and information, discount coupons and special offers to keep your subscriptions enticing.

Avoid Prying your Users for Sensitive Information

Don’t ask for too much information from prospects at the registration stage (such as their date of birth or mobile number). Keep things simple at this point to avoid potential subscribers changing their minds at the last minute. Stick with first name, last name and email address, or even just their email address if you want to really simplify the process.

Micromanage your List

Monitor your list growth to track user performance. Monitor growth on a weekly or even daily basis when running activity reports.

Guarantee Privacy

When people register for your emails they want to know that they are going to be given optimal privacy, so express your commitment to privacy to help promote the number of signups and establish a level of trust.

Closing Thoughts

Creating a strong email marketing list is something that takes time, patience and care to cultivate. By putting in enough commitment you will eventually generate priceless results that will keep your subscribers engaged for many years to come. 

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