4 Content Marketing Ideas that Build Brand Awareness

Want to build a passionate following through content marketing? Take a look at our top content marketing tips to help build strong brand awareness.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-03-02 07:48:00

Building brand awareness is a challenge, but making your customers passionate about your brand is an even bigger task. With content marketing, it’s possible to provide great value to your customers and increase brand awareness.

Listed below are 4 top content marketing ideas that help to build strong brand awareness:

1.       How-To Guides

How-to guides solve problems for readers, and if a reader perceives you as a problem-solver, they will be likely to return to your site time and time again.

Though it’s not necessary to make every single one of your posts a how-to guide, you should certainly incorporate how-to’s into your content marketing strategy. Find a unique stance that hasn’t been covered before. Include images, videos and even infographics to increase your following and stand out from your competitors.

2.       Customer-Requested Content

Have you ever asked your readers what they would like to read on your blog? The chances are that you’ll get a response from at least a handful of readers, and this will give you perfect ammunition for your next blog posts. This is a great way to make your followers truly passionate about your brand as it makes them feel valued.

3.       Opinion Pieces

It’s easy to sit on the fence for fear of sparking controversy or losing readers, but the truth is, people love an opinion piece. They love to be told, undeniably, about the pros or cons of a situation, and this really helps you to build a passionate following. Yes, you might lose a few followers by being avidly passionate, but you will also earn many followers who are hooked to your brand.

4.       Original Insights

Let’s face it, content is definitely repeated across the internet. It’s convenient, quick and easy, and also less costly to develop. But the truth is a well-researched, original post gets far better results than something that’s already been done before. People are hungry for new information, so taking the time to plan, research and create an original blog post will generate much more positive results in the long run.

Brands that perform their own research and create innovative posts are also perceived as experts in their field, which is a great way to attract a deeper, wider audience.

Building Brand Awareness Through Content Marketing

Content marketing has opened up so many avenues for businesses, enabling them to build a committed, dedicated and passionate following that truly enhances brand awareness. By adopting some or all of the above content marketing ideas, you will be better able to build a passionate following around your brand which in turn, will increase your profit-making potential. 

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