The Consequences of Broken Links for SEO by 8 Ways Media

Does your site contain any broken links? If so, be sure to fix those links otherwise you risk ruining the SEO of your website and losing customers.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2014-07-18 07:34:00

Once your website is up and running it’s easy to believe that the hard work is over. The planning stages are behind you, you’ve found an excellent CMS, your content is of a high quality and the navigation is exceptional.

Nevertheless, the true work of a website only really begins once the site is up and running. Your responsibilities as a website owner will shift as you work hard to ensure that your site is operating fluidly on a day-to-day basis, achieving its intended functions.

One of the most regular tasks of any web owner is to maintain the site with high quality content, submit the site to various search engines and actively seek reciprocal links to improve the SEO of the site. You should also keep a constant look out for broken links.

The Perils of Broken Links

Broken links are bad news for any website. A site plagued with broken links will be badly perceived by users, who will view your site as unprofessional and disorganised. This will reflect very badly on image building and brand awareness, and it is highly likely that those users will never return to your site again. They will be put off the poor functionality of your site, which will automatically result in you losing potential customers.

Furthermore, broken links are bad for SEO as search engines scan websites for high quality, meaningful links, and if your site is riddled with bad links, it’ll be pushed to the bottom of the search engine results.

Broken links are plaguing countless websites and are regarded as a serious online problem. There are a number of reasons for the rise in broken links including poor website maintenance, bad website architecture and poorly placed information throughout the site. The way that information is placed on the site is also constantly changing, and as a result a large number of websites are closing down.

Why are Hyperlinks so Important?

Hyperlinks are essential to any website as this is what enables users to easily and efficiently click from one page to another. A website without links is a very complicated place that is exceptionally difficult to navigate through. Managing your links is therefore a critical role that you are required to take on as part of the overall management of your website.

With the internet become increasingly sophisticated and internet-users even more so, it has never been more crucial to develop a cutting-edge website with beautifully crafted text, excellent SEO and high quality links. Otherwise you risk destroying the quality of your website and losing countless customers. 

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