The Characteristics of High-Quality Content According to Google

What are the characteristics of high-quality content, according to Google? Read on to discover more…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-12-29 12:39:00


Last month, Google released the entire version of its Search Quality Rater handbook. This is a guidebook that is used to determine the relevancy of a single page to a searcher’s query. This huge guide comprises of more than 150 pages, so there’s a lot of information to squeeze into a single post, however, we can easily summarise the individual characteristics that qualify a ‘high-quality’ page or piece of content.

These are summarised below:

The structure of your pages

Each individual page of your site needs to be well structured with plenty of high-quality content. The main content on your pages needs to be well written and Google definitely takes this into account when determining the overall quality of your website, so take particular care to ensure that each and every page of your site is brimming with well-written content that has been spellchecked and proofread with a fine-tooth comb for any errors.


In order to be regarded as a high-quality website featuring high-quality pages, you need to demonstrate that you are an authority in your industry through your content. Google values pages that are written from an expert point of view and will rank you more highly as a result. Thus, all content should be written from an expert, specialist point of view, being well researched with plenty of statistics and reliable sources. Whether you are writing about celebrities, football, fashion, gardening, or anything else for that matter, you need to demonstrate that you are an expert in your field.


Sometimes, a page can look immediately untrustworthy which is highly off-putting to a visitor. Users who open a seemingly dishonest website are quick to close it in favour of a competitor’s site, so it’s important that you review your site to ensure it doesn’t meet any of the below criteria. An off-putting website is anything that:

·         Appears spammy

·         Is phishing for passwords to popular social media sites or email accounts

·         Contains suspicious download links

·         Asks for personal information such as your date of birth, bank account or address

·         Has a missing padlock symbol from the browser

·         Is poorly designed

·         Contains confusing copy

·         Contains out of date information

·         Features spelling and grammar mistakes

To avoid making any of the above mistakes it is important to maintain strictly white hat SEO techniques.

Positive Reputation

Your business needs to have a positive reputation in order to be perceived by Google as a trustworthy and reliable business worthy of ranking highly in search engine results pages. When you receive positive reviews, whether on your website, on review websites or on your social media pages, Google correlates all of these and acknowledges you accordingly.

As you can see, there are countless ways to improve the appearance of your website and its individual pages, but oftentimes, doing this alone can seem like an overwhelming challenge. If you are a looking for a professional web design company to do the hard work for you, look no further.

8 Ways Media possess more than 20 years of experience in the industry and are pioneers in effective web design whilst being responsive, fast and exceptionally creative. With a large team of highly talented individuals, they possess an endless stream of imagination and creativity, utilising the latest technological trends and combining them with creative, tailor-made services that never fail to deliver. Contact us today to learn more about our services.  


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